WakeUP is celebrating Earth Day and all that it has to offer! In 1969, a junior Wisconsin senator, Gaylord Nelson, wanted to create a day that encouraged young adults to engage in their communities. April 22nd was strategically chosen to maximize student participation, specifically college students. This soon became what we now know as Earth Day!
- Earth Day is celebrated annually in 190 countries
- Earth Day has inspired environmentally friendly initiatives and policies
- Earth Day was designed to encourage the participation of everyone

Each year, Earth Day has been given a new theme, this year’s is Planet vs Plastics. Although the theme changes each year, the core issues do not. Some of those issues include: advocacy, climate change, education, green economy and schools, sustainable development, and conservation and biology. Year round, WakeUP works hard to implement each of these issues.

Earth Day is known for its work in reducing the impact that we have on the environment and creating a community that prioritizes the well-being of the Earth. However, it also works hand-in-hand with sustainable development and accessibility. By creating communities that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly, you are also creating a more accessible community. Building houses, buildings, stores, etc. closer together reduces the need for a car and allows people to have easy access to essentials. These two outcomes work together to create a more environmentally friendly community as well as a more sustainable and accessible one. Here are various areas where planning, advocacy, and Earth Day intersect:
- Affordable Housing
- Denser Development
- Walkable Communities
- Transit-Oriented Development
- Environmentally-Friendly Infrastructure
Although Earth Day is just one day of the year, you can get involved in your community all year round! Here are some ways to do so:
- Join one of your municipalities advisory boards – Check out our Community Engagement page for more info
- Attend a city council or board of commissioners meeting – Check out our Community Calendar
- Contact your local representatives
- Register to vote
- Become a Member of WakeUP and find out about volunteer opportunities throughout the year
- Join your municipality’s email list