ComingUP: It’s ‘Try Transit Week’ in the Triangle

This is our weekly series where we highlight a few of the important public events, meetings, and forums happening throughout Wake County during the upcoming week. For a full listing of events, check out the WakeUP Community Calendar. And if you know of any events or meetings coming up that we might have missed, feel free to let us know, either by commenting below or by emailing us at
Here’s what’s ComingUP in Wake County Monday, September September 23rd – Friday, September 27th. To add an event listed below to your Google Calendar, just click on the calendar icon above the event description.
First off, all week long — from September 23rd through September 27th — is “Try Transit Week,” a five-day celebration of public transit. Click here to learn about the fun events and prizes GoTriangle has planned for the week, and click here to learn more about what GoRaleigh is doing to celebrate. Note that Wednesday, September 25th, is “Fare Free Day” in the City of Raleigh. As such, all residents can enjoy a free ride on any GoRaleigh route for the entire day!
Here’s what else you need to know for the week.
Monday, September 23rd

What: Candidates’ Forum: Cary Mayor & Town Council Candidates, in Cary
When: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: 4000 Glenaire Circle, Cary, NC, 27511
What’s Happening:
Join the League of Women Voters and co-sponsors at a forum for the candidates running for Cary mayor and town council seats. All interested voters are encouraged to attend! For more information about this election, go to the League of Women Voters’ 2019 Elections page. WRAL news anchor, Kathryn Brown, will moderate the forum, and WRAL intends to film the event. NC Board of Elections Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell will provide brief opening remarks.
The League of Women Voters, as well as all cosponsors, are nonpartisan organizations and neither endorse nor oppose candidates. Cosponsors for this event are:
- League of Women Voters of Wake County
- WakeUP Wake County
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
- NAACP Raleigh-Apex Branch
Wednesday, September 25th

What: Growth and Natural Resources Committee Meeting, in Raleigh
When: 4:00pm
Where: City Council Chamber, Room 201, 222 West Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Carolina
What’s Happening:
At Wednesday’s committee meeting, Council Members will discuss plans for incorporating into the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan policies from the American Planning Association (APA) that deal with access and equity.
During the public input phase of the Comprehensive Plan update back in 2017, City staff received numerous comments expressing difficulty at being able to attend meetings in person.
Following a public hearing held on July 2, CP-2(C)-19, “Economic Prosperity & Equity / Expanding Housing Choices,” was referred to the Growth and Natural Resources Committee to discuss incorporating principles from the American Planning Association’s Planning for Equity Policy Guide, among other issues.
In May of 2019 the American Planning Association published a Planning for Equity Policy Guide. The guide “reaffirms the commitment of the [APA] to promote equity and explicitly remove barriers in policies and regulations that perpetuate inequity in the United States.” It includes 60 policy recommendations across 11 categories, and explores issues such as environmental justice and
displacement through an equity lens. It also contains suggestions for community engagement on those and other topics. Examples include:
- Use targeted community-specific strategies
- Implement principles of participatory planning
- Build trust through outreach
- Create space to listen and heal old wounds
- Avoid duplication of engagement efforts
Staff is seeking guidance on a path forward for incorporating principles from the Equity Policy Guide, and three potential options will be proposed.
To view the entire agenda for Wednesday’s Growth and Natural Resources Committee meeting, click here.
Opportunities for Public Input
Residential Infill Development Study
The City of Raleigh is undertaking a study to gather information and make recommendations regarding the construction of new residential houses within existing neighborhoods, something known as “infill development.” The purpose of this study is to offer guidance and recommendations for possible changes to Raleigh’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). An important part of this study is to learn community perspectives on residential infill. An initial step in this engagement is to circulate a community survey to ask for opinions and perspectives.
The survey closes on Monday, September 30th
Take the survey by clicking here.
Consolidated Plan Survey
The City of Raleigh is updated it’s 5 year Consolidated Plan and looking for public input. The Consolidated Plan outlines goals and strategies for housing and community development needs and identifies strategies, resources, and networks the community has developed to address those needs. The Consolidated Plan covers the period of July 1, 2020-June 30, 2025.
Take the survey by clicking here.
Stormwater Design Manual Updates
The City of Raleigh is gathering feedback from residents and the development community that will help us update our stormwater design manual. This manual provides detailed information on how to manage stormwater on a developed site (during and after construction).
The survey closes on Wednesday, October 16.
Take the survey (note there are separate ones for developers and residents) by clicking here.