ComingUP: Planning Board Meetings, A PeopleforBikes Meet Up, and Opportunities & Challenges
This is our roundup of important public events, meetings, and forums happening in Wake County during the upcoming week.
For a full listing of events, you can always check out the WakeUP Community Calendar. And if you know of anything we’ve missed, feel free to let us know, either by commenting below or by emailing us at
Here’s some of what’s happening throughout Wake County this week, Monday, August 12th, through Friday, August 16th.
To easily add an event listed below to your Google Calendar, just click on the calendar icon above the event description.
Monday, August 12th
What: Planning Board Meeting in Apex
Where: Apex Town Hall, 73 Hunter St, Apex, NC 27502
When: 4:30pm
What’s Happening:
A number of public hearings are scheduled for Tuesday’s Apex Planning Board Meeting:
- Item #1 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding an amendment to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan
- Item #2 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding Rezoning Application #19CZ13 (2213 East Williams Street). The applicant, Olive Chapel West Associates, LLC, seeks to rezone approximately 3.11 acres located at 2213 East Williams Street from Rural Residential (RR) to Neighborhood Business-Conditional Zoning (B1-CZ).
- Item #3 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding an amendment to the 2045 Land Use Map and Rezoning Application #19CZ02 Morris Acres PUD. The applicant, Kaplan Residential, seeks to amend the 2045 Land Use Map from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential and to rezone approximately ±17.4376 acres, for the properties located at 0, 7208, & 7208B Morris Acres Road, from Rural Residential (RR) to Planned Unit Development Conditional Zoning (PUD-CZ).
- Item #4 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding Rezoning Application #19CZ09 Linden Lot 22 PUD. The applicant, Dan Ryan Builders, seeks to rezone approximately 4.52 acres located at 2236 Olive Chapel Road from Rural Residential (RR) to Planned Unit Development-Conditional Zoning (PUD-CZ).
- Item #5 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding Rezoning Application #19STC14. The applicant, Drew Havens, Town Manager, Town of Apex, seeks to rezone approximately 1.69 acres for the property located at 320 & 322 North Mason Street from Neighborhood Business (B1) to Neighborhood Business (B1) & Small Town Character Overlay District.
- Item #6 – Public hearing and possible motion regarding an amendment to a note on the 2045 Land Use Map.
In addition to these public hearings, there will also be a possible motion regarding the the Town of Apex’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Specifically, the Economic Development Committee requested amendments to the following sections:
- Section 6.1: Watershed Protection Overlay Districts
- Section 7.5: Required Improvements
- Section 8.1.2: Resource Conservation Area; and
- Section 13.19: Traffic Impact Analysis Required
As described in the full board agenda, which you can view here, the proposed changes include “reducing riparian buffers to be the greater of 50 feet or the State standards; requiring no more Resource Conservation Area than what is located within onsite perimeter and street buffers, riparian buffers, and preserved wetlands; providing a tree survey for only those areas within required buffers; delaying the submission of a Traffic Impact Analysis until Site Plan submittal; and delaying full design of water and sewer infrastructure until Site Plan submittal.” The changes were proposed to “provide more development flexibility for North Carolina Certified Sites.”
Tuesday, August 13
What: Planning Commission Meeting in Raleigh
Where: Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W Hargett St. Raleigh, NC 27601
When: 9:00am
Here’s What’s Happening:
Several items of New Business are included on the agenda for Tuesday’s City of Raleigh Planning Commission Meeting:
- TC-1(D)-18: Omnibus List 2019 Regulations
- TC-4-19: Erosion and Sedimentation Control – Prior Plan Approval
- TC-10-19: Willow Run South NCOD
- Z-15-19 Six Forks Road and Industrial Drive, northeast corner of the intersection (Atlantic CAC)
TC-1(D)-18 amends multiple sections of the Part 10A Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance to “modify regulations related to: townhouse and cottage court lots/structures and their respective frontages; amateur radio antennae; relocation of open space in compact and conservation developments; setback standards and signage in the Manufactured Housing district; bicycle parking for outdoor recreational uses; permitted reductions in required parking; screening of mechanical equipment; and setback standards for multifamily streets.”
TC-1(D)-18 is guided by Comprehensive Plan policies to reinforce and integrate consistent urban development patterns, encourage infill development on vacant land, promote transit, reduce minimum parking standards, and encourage and strengthen urban forestry and tree preservation.
As detailed by City of Raleigh staff, adoption of TC-1(D)-18 would:
- Allow cottage court lots and townhouse lots to not front on a public street.
- Modify the lot width methodology for townhouse lots that do not front on a public
street. - Allow for the exchange of open space in certain developments.
- Clarify that height is to be measured in stories and feet.
- Reduce the rear yard setback requirements for mobile homes.
- Allow for taller amateur radio antennae while creating additional regulations for
these accessory structures. - Reduce required bicycle parking for outdoor recreation facilities.
- Reduce required vehicle parking for uses near high-frequency transit service.
- Exempt single- and two-family uses (including townhouses) from the requirement to
screen mechanical equipment. - Permit small-scale freestanding signs in the Manufactured Housing district.
- Shift maintenance responsibility from privately owned street trees from the City to
the property owner.
TC-4-19 applies to City of Raleigh policies to use non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) to improve water quality. This text change would alter when an erosion and sedimentation control plan is needed and clarify which land is to be included when calculating the total area of land-disturbance.
Adoption of TC-4-19 would require the submittal of an erosion and sedimentation control plan for any land disturbing activity below 12,000 square feet under the following circumstances:
- Land-disturbing activity in any Watershed Protection Area;
- Relocation of any natural watercourse;
- Upon the occurrence of off-site sedimentation; or
- When a person conducting a land-disturbing activity has been issued a Notice of
Violation, within the last 2 years, for failure to comply with the provisions of Article
TC-10-19 amends Part 10 of the Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance to add Neighborhood built environmental characteristics and regulations for the Willow Run South neighborhood to set a minimum lot size of 32,670 square feet (.75 acre).
TC-10-19 is guided by Comprehensive Plan policies to conserve, enhance, and revitalize older neighborhoods, conserve single-family neighborhoods, and preserve compatible infill development.
Adoption of TC-10-19 would:
- Ensure the preservation of the general quality and appearance of the Willow Run South neighborhood.
- Reduce conflict between new construction and existing development and encourage compatible infill development.
Adoption would also potentially negatively impact the possible economic benefit that property owners could realize from subdividing existing lots.
Finally, Z-15-19 is a request to rezone a 12.63 acre plot of land located at Six Forks Road and Industrial Drive. The plot in question, 819 East Six Forks Road, is currently zoned for Industrial Mixed Use-3 Stories-Parking Limited (IX-3-PL). RBD Six Forks LLC is requesting to rezone the plot to Mixed Use-Seven Stories-Green Frontage-Conditional Use (RX-7-GR-CU), with set conditions to limit residential use to no more than 500 units.
You can view the entire agenda for Tuesday’s Planning Commission meeting here, on the City of Raleigh website.
Wednesday, August 14th
What: WakeUP Wake County Summer Reception
Where: Jiddi Space & Sitti Courtyard,137 South Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC 27601
When: 6-8:00pm
What’s Happening:
On Wednesday evening, we’re hosting our marquee fundraising event called Changes: Opportunities & Challenges.
Change is a constant in Wake County today! WakeUP is working hard to make sure that our communities are sustainable and vibrant as we make decisions together about the future. We do that by engaging citizens — by working with elected and community leaders to encourage informed, smart planning that takes the natural and built environment into account. We believe that this work has never been more important than it is today.
Join us for our marquee fundraising event of the year! We will host a night of drinks and food provided by our friends at Empire Properties. We will have a night of fun, music, and a raffle with tons of local prizes! With your continued support we can continue all the hard work we do for the community.
$50 – Single
$75 – Couple
Thursday, August 15th
What: DRAFT – A PeopleforBikes Meetup
Where: Raleigh Brewing Company, 3709 Neil St, Raleigh, NC 27607
When: 6-9:00pm
Here’s What’s Happening:
Join PeopleforBikes for a fast-paced event of ideas, entrepreneurs and bikes, capturing the exciting things happening in the bike industry at DRAFT: Raleigh at Raleigh Brewing Company.
For more information, visit the Facebook Event Page.
The present speaker lineup is below:
- Sammie Ammons – Senior Manager at BikeMS.
- Garrett Blake – Founder of 2×2 Cycles + Upstanding Cycle.
- Jenn Clark – Marketing Manager at Raleigh’s own Citrix Cycle.
If you have a bike-related event or new product you want people to know about, you’re invited to pitch it to the audience. Apply to speak at the event by clicking here.