Archives: <span>Events</span>

Archives: Events

Zebulon Board of Commissioners Work Session

Zebulon Town Hall 1003 N. Arendell Avenue, Zebulon, NC, United States

Board meetings will be live streamed on YouTube  a link to the live stream will be on Facebook. Meeting Agenda:

Cary Planning and Zoning Meeting

Cary Town Hall 316 N. Academy Street, Cary, NC, United States

For more information, minutes, and agendas: 

Wendell Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

Wendell Town Hall 409 Landing View Drive, Wendell, NC, United States

The Board of Commissioners has two regular meetings per month at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the courtroom at town hall. Meeting Agenda:

Apex Town Council Regular Meeting

Apex Town Hall 73 Hunter Street, Apex, NC, United States

Regular meetings of the Town Council are held at 6 pm in the Apex Town Hall Council Chambers (2nd Floor). Town Council agendas are available on the Friday prior to each meeting at this link. You may attend the meeting in person or view the meeting through the Town’s YouTube …

Morrisville Town Council Meeting

Morrisville Town Hall 100 Town Hall Drive, Morrisville, NC, United States

The Town of Morrisville encourages citizen attendance, participation, and input at the regular Town Council meetings and public hearings. Information regarding the meeting can be found here:

Garner Town Council Work Session

Garner Town Hall 900 7th Ave., Garner, NC, United States

Garner Town Council meetings are streamed at and Meeting Agenda:

Holly Springs Planning Board Meeting

Council Chambers of Holly Springs Town Hall 128 South Main Street, Holly Springs, NC, United States

Planning Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Town Hall Council Chambers. For more information:

Raleigh Transportation and Transit Committee Meeting

Raleigh Municipal Building (RMB) 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Transportation and Transit Committee typically meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3 pm. For more information:

Morrisville Town Council Work Session

Morrisville Town Hall 100 Town Hall Drive, Morrisville, NC, United States

The Town of Morrisville encourages citizen attendance, participation, and input at the regular Town Council meetings and public hearings. Information regarding the meeting can be found here:

Wake County Board of Commissioners Work Session

Wake County Justice Center 300 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC, United States

The Wake County Board meets for their work sessions on the third Monday of each month (unless changed for holidays or other reasons) in the Wake County Justice Center, 300 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, Room 2800, 2nd floor. Each meeting includes a time for public comments. Meeting agenda: