Imagine Cary: Creating a Long-Range Community Plan

Imagine Cary: Creating a Long-Range Community Plan

A multi-year long-range planning effort by the Town of Cary, the “Imagine Cary” project, is underway! Imagine Cary is an ambitious effort initiated by the Cary Town Council to encourage widespread, transparent public input in developing a Cary community plan.  The community plan will address a future vision for development, transportation, housing, environment, economy, among many other topics.  The goal is to ensure Cary continues to remain recognized nationally and that the Town’s character stays unblemished.  The last time a community plan was devised for Cary was 20-30 years ago!  Citizens, business owners and property owners in Cary can take advantage of this current opportunity to participate in a public planning process that will move Cary forward for the next 20-30 years.

The Imagine Cary process involves four major phases, each of which includes opportunities for the public to get involved and provide input.

Phase 1: The current Phase which is expected to extend through summer has included numerous strategic and planning sessions, and will bring the community together for a huge public kick-off event, The Summit on the Future.  The Summit will be held in the Carolina Ballroom at the Cary Embassy Suites on May 2, 2013.  The Summit will include keynote speakers, and be part presentation and part interactive workshop.  The cost to attend the Summit is free; however, space is limited.  For more information and to register for the event as soon as possible, please visit this link. 

Phase 2: Commencing in the fall of 2013 and will include meetings where the community will have more opportunities to voice their thoughts and ideas.  These community choices will be tested and the direction of Imagine Cary will be redefined during this period if needed.

Phase 3: The Plan Framework of Imagine Cary, which will involve developing policies and surveying the public, will commence in the winter of 2013 and spring of 2014.

Phase 4: The draft and final community plans will be completed and adopted during the summer and fall of 2014.

There currently are and will be so many opportunities to SpeakUP and provide your input on the long-range vision for the Town of Cary!  The most important thing you can do is to get involved.  Here are three ways:

1. Attend the Summit on the Future on May 2 and other public events throughout the year.

2. Spread the word about Imagine Cary to your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors

3. Volunteer directly with the process.

Learn more about how you can get involved.

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One comment

  1. Peaches Wilson

    I hope that everyone who lives in Cary or in the unincorporated areas around Cary (including Chatham Co.) will get involved. Of course, this is for Cary residents, but those who live in areas that may, in the future, become part of Cary should also participate.

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