Land use is an issue WakeUP Wake County has focused on since our founding. With land, water, air and other resources requiring a voice to ensure long term viability for residents. WakeUP has prioritized advocating for strategic, climate-aware development that considers the long-term impact on the environmental health of our community as well as how land is utilized and revitalized to create equitable spaces as we develop.
Land use planning is key to sustainable development that allows an area to thrive by:
- ECONOMIC: strategically considering natural resources and use of land as policies are being made, areas can become more livable and productive for the long term success of businesses and residents. By planning mixed-used development areas, businesses have access to workers and customers with a built in community fabric for long term success.
- ENVIRONMENT: intentionally maintaining a focus on preserving an areas natural resources helps ensure environmental viability for agriculture and health of area residents. Including safe streets for walkers and bikers, as well as planning for green spaces and having essential resources closer to residential dwellings, minimizes the need for car transport and reduces emissions.
- SOCIAL: engaging and addressing historic and systemic equity issues with land use and transitioning planning to intentionally build communities that provide safer spaces with accessibility to natural resources, affordable housing, and transportation. Land use planning can also engage health disparities by prioritizing environmental outcomes and planning around transit to minimize the local emissions and increase mobility of healthier options like walking and biking. Mixed use spaces also tend to create community engagement and investment, creating safer areas for kids, families, and elderly residents.