Community Engagement
WakeUP Wake County strives to encourage citizens to get involved with their community and to be fully informed in the various aspects of local governments. To make this easier for all Wake County residents, we have compiled links for each municipality’s engagement and volunteer opportunities, ways to stay informed and educated, and opportunities to make your voice heard. This will be updated regularly, so check back often!
Click here to go to our Community Engagement page.
Learn more about why community engagement matters here.

Community Calendar
WakeUP Wake County works hard to make sure residents are informed about issues and decisions around growth and development. As a part of our work, we keep an ongoing calendar of local planning, council, and commission meetings. This is intended to keep everyone up-to-date on when policies are being discussed and when decisions are being made. Meeting agendas will be linked to the event so that residents can take action as needed to advocate for policies that engage informed environmental practices and consider the equity impact on their communities.
Click here to go to our Events page for the updated calendar.
What is the role of Planning Commissions? Check out this article for more information.
As a nonpartisan organization, WakeUP Wake County’s mission is to inform voters about current issues around sustainable development and the long term impact of today’s policy decisions on our communities.
In addition to educating residents and community leaders, WakeUP is a strong advocate for mobilizing residents to vote in local elections where these policies are decided. By both informing and mobilizing, WakeUP’s advocacy for sustainable planning around transportation, land use, affordable housing, and climate change find their “roots” within our grassroots nature.
One of the ways that you can make a difference is to be informed AND to vote for those people and policies that ensure sustainable growth development and equity for all.
Learn more about elections in your area and obtain sample ballots for your district here.
Learn more about local positions here.
Check out UNC’s guide to Local Government in North Carolina here