Raleigh/Cary 5th LONGEST commute in the nation!

Raleigh/Cary 5th LONGEST commute in the nation!

The Triangle Region continues to grow and, as of July 2010, Wake County is the LARGEST COUNTY in North and South Carolina!  As growth continues to reshape our region and transportation needs, we must work to improve regional transit services!

Driven Apart, a recent transportation report, ranks how long residents in the nation’s largest 51 metropolitan areas spend in peak hour traffic.  Raleigh/Cary ranks 5th on the list of cities with the LONGEST COMMUTES.  According to the report, Triangle residents spend more time traveling to work each day than regional commuters in most other major metropolitan areas including Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago.  Read the full report here.

As congestion continues to grow, how will our region improve transportation services?  Often times, it’s up to elected officials to approve transit projects.  Elections are nearing and early voting begins October 14th.  Wake County Board of Commissioners represent a key component, responsible for moving the Triangle’s regional transit vision forward.  Find out where your Wake County Board of Commissioner candidates stand on critical regional transit issues.

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