Category: <span>Featured</span>

Category: Featured

Raleigh candidate forum to air on Raleigh Television Network

The Raleigh City Council Candidate Forum WakeUP co-hosted on September 21st is currently airing on RTN!  If you weren’t able to make it to the event, you can still see the candidates answer questions and hear their thoughts on many critical issues.  The forum will air at the following times: …

Raleigh & Cary Municipal Elections: WakeUP Candidate Forum and Early Voting

With over 180 citizens in attendance, we are proud to call Monday night’s Raleigh City Council candidate forum a success!  Hosted by WakeUP Wake County, El Pueblo, The League of Women Voters of Wake County and Delta Sigma Theta, the candidates were packed as tightly as the audience, with 16 …

WakeUP joins with partners to promote safe, walking routes for Wake students

The Wake County Public School System has joined with the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC-HSRC), Advocates for Health in Action, WakeUP Wake County and, CAMPO to work with elementary and middle schools to improve child pedestrian safety and support walking and bicycling to school. This exciting …

National report shows companies relocating to walkable downtowns

In recent years hundreds of companies across the nation have moved to walkable metropolitan areas, and the Triangle is no exception. Companies see these locations as a unique competitive advantage as they search for highly skilled employees and strive to be increasingly collaborative and innovative workplaces. Core Values: Why American …