Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Category: Uncategorized

Pedestrian and bicycle improvements for a safer, healthier, and less car-dependent Wake County

Walkability is in demand among all ages, according to the most recent survey by the National Association of Realtors. Walkability in a community or neighborhood is affected by a number of factors, including: Zoning and land use planning; i.e., whether people live close to everyday destinations like school, work, grocery …

Environmental policy and engagement in your area

Interested in climate, environment, and sustainability in your local community but don’t know where to start? Look no further! From parks and greenways to climate action plans and sustainability goals, here’s a list of resources to discover the environmentally-minded goals, plans, and initiatives for your area. Wake County Growth & …

History of TOD: How Raleigh Came to Value Density and Growth Around Public Transit

Raleigh city planning officials have started implementing Transit Overlay District (TOD) zoning around Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes to ensure equitable access to public transit, while connecting important parts of the city to economic and recreational opportunities. Here’s how we got here and where we hope to end up when …

How long-term planning and community input can work together to achieve equitable outcomes

With a lot of talk about Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and rezoning around New Bern Avenue as the City Council moves towards a vote on adopting a Transit Overlay District (TOD), it can be easy to forget that these plans have been in the works for years – and following …