WakeUP’s growth management efforts continue to gain MOMENTUM! Recognized as a community leader for good growth practices, WakeUP received two awards on September 30, 2010.
PLANNING: WakeUP’s Executive Director, Karen Rindge, received the 2010 “Citizen Planner” Distinguished Leadership award from the N.C. Chapter of the American Planning Association (North Carolina Marvin Collins Planning Award). The award recognizes nonprofessional citizen planners for outstanding contributions to a planning program or activity. WakeUP’s advocacy for regional transit and quality growth planning in Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan and New Development Code were noted.
EDUCATION: Great Schools in Wake is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of a 2010 DEFENDERS OF JUSTICE AWARD presented by the NC Justice Center! “We are pleased and honored to be recognized by the NC Justice Center for our policy and research advocacy.” For more information please CLICK HERE.